Style Analysis Suite

Contemporary business and educational practice increasingly recognize that working and learning styles, therefore productivity, are unique to each individual and influenced by a number of factors. These factors include social, physical, mental and behavior influences and tendencies. Style Analysis Suite provides the only approach and range of test instruments, which analyze and profile the biological make-up and tendencies of an individual or group. These are the attributes we are born with, which are unlikely to change over a lifetime, and which can be optimized in any working or learning situation.

The range of Personal Assessment Software can be easily incorporated into any work environment and used with any subject matter. Reports provide clear, actionable recommendations for each individual, or team to achieve optimum performance. Also, sufficient self-knowledge is generated for the change effected to be sustainable.

The software is offered as a tool for everyday use by anyone involved in teaching, training, managing or motivating people. Its use requires minimal training and is compatible with all modern business and educational best practice.

The 4 different Style Analysis versions are listed next. Click on the logo for more information.

Every student has a uniquely different learning style: they learn, concentrate and process information in different ways. Many educational profiling tools are available, but only the LSA reveals all a student's biophysical makeup and conditioned style elements across the six key areas:

• Brain Processing • Physical Needs • Social Aspects
• Sensory Modalities • Environmental Preferences • Attitudes

LSA reveals ... each student's unique combination of style features.
LSA shows ... how to rearrange the learning environment to get better results.
LSA provides ... guidelines for helping students concentrate better and learn most successfully.
LSA adapts ... to the specific needs of three age groups:
   • Learning Style Analysis Questionnaire (Junior, ages 7-12) (.4 MB)
   • Learning Style Analysis Questionnaire (Senior, ages 13-17) (.4 MB)
   • Learning Style Analysis Questionnaire (Adult, ages 17+) (.4 MB)

Every teacher has a unique style and teaching preferences of their own. The key to optimum performance in the classroom is to discover these and use them in preparation, teaching and managing students. Of all the many educational profiling tools available to educators, only TSA reveals all a teacher's style features, across the six key areas:
• Brain Processing • Classroom Management (Physical) • Lesson Planning (Techniques)
• Teaching Methods (Sensory) • Classroom Design (Environment) • Professional Characteristics (Attitudes)

TSA reveals... each teacher's unique combination of style elements.
TSA shows ... how to rearrange the learning environment to get better results.
TSA helps matching ... the specific needs of students and their teachers during the learning process
   •Teaching Style Analysis Questionnaire (Education) (.4 MB)

WSA costs less than psychometric testing, but it goes deeper. This is because WSA reveals all a person's bio-physical makeup and conditioned style elements across the six key areas:
• Brain Processing • Physical Needs • Social Aspects
• Sensory Modalities • Environmental Preferences • Professional Attitudes

WSA reveals ... each employee's unique combination of style features.
WSA shows ... how to rearrange the work environment to get better results.
WSA provides ... guidelines for helping people concentrate better and perform at their best.
WSA delivers... deeper, broader analysis than conventional personality tests, for less cost.
   •Working Style Analysis Questionnaire (Corporate) (.4 MB)

Every trainer has a unique style and training preferences of their own. The key to optimum performance in the training room is to discover these and use them in preparation, training and managing learning processes. Of all the many profiling tools available to corporate trainers, only TSA reveals a trainer's style features across the six key areas:
• Brain Dominance • Program Management (Physical) • Course/Unit Planning (Techniques)
• Instruction Methods (Senses) • Training Room Design (Environment) • Professional Characteristics (Attitudes)

TSA reveals ... each trainer's unique combination of style elements.
TSA shows ... how to rearrange the learning environment to get better training results.
TSA adapts ... to the specific needs of learners and corporate trainers
   •Training Style Analysis Questionnaire (Corporate) (.4 MB)